With SeniorNet you will never be alone again…

SeniorNet provides a community learning network that supports and motivates people to confidently use technology in their everyday lives…

We specialise in digital skills training for seniors (aged 50 years and over). No matter what stage you are at in your digital journey be it beginner (little or no understanding of computers or mobile technologies), intermediate (relatively confident with technology and able to communicate online using social media, emails etc) or advanced (confident user of technology with a desire to learn more), we offer a wide range of learning opportunities suited to your needs.

You will learn how to operate your device (or laptop) and/or mobile phone (or tablet). We’ll show you how to connect with your loved ones and friends using social media and how to create and send emails with attachments, show you the basics of internet banking and online shopping while staying safe online. We’ll also help you access all those government and local body websites you need to use these days. At SeniorNet there are no silly questions – we encourage your questions and participation in a friendly, sociable environment.

SeniorNet training is carried out in small informal groups and are hosted in our Learning Centres as well as places such as libraries, halls and other public venues across the country.

So come and join the thousands of seniors having fun at SeniorNet.

To join or find out more about SeniorNet, please click here

SeniorNet Couple With laptop



Join SeniorNet

Centres throughout New Zealand with friendly people happy to help you learn.


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If your company or organisation would like to support SeniorNet we would be delighted to hear from you.


Latest Information

You can now follow updates from the Office for Seniors on Facebook.
The Office for Seniors has a Facebook page where they share articles, research, images and news with seniors... online. Their Facebook page is a place where you can see positive ageing in action and read about experiences from older people around New Zealand and around the world. The Office is dedicated to ensuring older New Zealanders are well connected, informed, independent and respected. To follow updates from their Facebook page, or to find out more, visit their page here and LIKE them. The Office of Seniors Facebook page is here
To stay safe and secure online, check out the link below, on safety and security online.
CERT NZ is your first port of call when you need to report a cyber security problem. Cert supports businesses, organisations like SeniorNet and individuals affected by cyber security incidents and provides trusted and authoritative information and advice. Watch the webinar on safety and security online - for free! CertNZ's latest information is here
Google is proud to be associated with SeniorNet
During the COVID lockdowns, seniors throughout New Zealand were using the internet to keep on top of the latest news & information, purchase their groceries and stay in touch with family and friends. For those not online already, some everyday activities became a struggle. For this reason, Google New Zealand supported SeniorNet New Zealand in an effort to ensure all older Kiwis were able to confidently use technology to remain independent and active in society. SeniorNet is grateful for Google's assistance with the development of the first version of SeniorHangouts and its continued to support of SeniorNet's block of email accounts (.....@seniornet.nz). Click here to go to SeniorHangouts

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