SeniorNet Success Stories – Gain skills and confidence

  • Zoom Sessions from June through to Beginning of July - With the closure of all face to face learning sessions due to Covid 19, Bayswater SeniorNet instituted regular Zoom sessions. These have proved very popular for members and visitors, and we have been fortunate to have many members from MSNAI(Mac SeniorNet Auckland Inc) attend as well. Zoom sessions planned for the next few weeks are listed below.  Until we leave Level 2 all sessions are free. At Level 1 there will be a a charge of $5 a session. Sessions… READ MORE
  • Skills and Confidence - With the skills and confidence I gained at SeniorNet I achieved more than I could ever have imagined. At the end of my first year at High School my teacher wrote on my report ‘Ruth has shown the ability to write short stories that capture the interest of the reader’ (or words to that effect!) There were two things I wanted to be when I ‘grew up’, one was to be a writer and the other was to be a… READ MORE
  • SeniorNet has enriched my life - By Noeline Taylor Join SeniorNet at least that is what the article said. As a rather inexperienced user of the computer these words caught my eye. Bravely I rang the number given and was immediately asked if I would like to tutor. Panic!! However this was soon sorted out and I attended the next meeting. It wasn't long before I found myself in a class for using the word processor, and, after eight lessons I felt competent enough to agree… READ MORE
  • Computer Lessons a Real God-send - By Olga Fleming When I went along to the first meeting of SeniorNet at Wintec, Te Kuiti, in May 2001, there were four other people I knew so I decided to join. The age limit was 55 and over and as I was so much older I thought I had a bit of a cheek going. With my slight defect in hearing I could not always understand what our tutor was saying, but he being a great mime actor would… READ MORE
  • SeniorNet Mac. Christchurch - By Margaret Hatton The good news is that since Friday 1st April, SeniorNet Mac has been up and running. thanks to the generosity of our treasurer Margaret Harvey. Our Learning Centre is situated in the pool house at the Cranmer Centre [Old Christchurch Girl's High campus.] This solid concrete block edifice, built in the middle of last century, has withstood all the quakes while the old brick building, which up until then had been going to be repaired, was severely… READ MORE
  • You are never too old to learn - Pictured is Mrs Doris Williamson from Toko, who at the age of 91, is currently learning computing at SeniorNet Stratford. Mrs Williamson was a librarian at the National Library in Wellington for twenty years. In 1984, she retired to Newtown, and in the late 1990's, moved to Toko to be near to her family.At the age of 91, she decided to learn to use a computer "to keep up with the rest of the family." She came to SeniorNet Stratford… READ MORE

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