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Zoom Sessions from June through to Beginning of July

With the closure of all face to face learning sessions due to Covid 19, Bayswater SeniorNet instituted regular Zoom sessions.

These have proved very popular for members and visitors, and we have been fortunate to have many members from MSNAI(Mac SeniorNet Auckland Inc) attend as well.

Zoom sessions planned for the next few weeks are listed below.  Until we leave Level 2 all sessions are free. At Level 1 there will be a a charge of $5 a session.

Sessions usually run for about 60-70 minutes and are followed up with comprehensive notes(sent by email)

Please email us if you are interested in attending any or all of the sessions.

Monday 8th June 10.00am WORD; Rulers, Tabs, Placing Photos Text Wrap
Tuesday 9th June 10.00am Introduction to Vistaprint App on Apple- 2 sessions/2 Suitable for both Apple and Windows but demonstration is on Apple
Thursday 11th June 10.00am iPad Explorations
Monday 15th June 10.00am Window 10’s Mail Adding 2nd email ac: Alignment,Attachments..
Tuesday 16th June 10.00am Apple’s Mail, Adding 2nd email account: Alignment,Attachments..
Thursday 18th June 10.00am iPad Explorations
Monday 22nd June 10.00am Power Point basics, just preparing a simple presentation
Tuesday 23rd June 10.00am Keynote basics, just preparing a simple presentation
Thursday 25th June 10.00am iPad Explorations
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Skills and Confidence

With the skills and confidence I gained at SeniorNet I achieved more than I could ever have imagined. At the end of my first year at High School my teacher wrote on my report ‘Ruth has shown the ability to write short stories that capture the interest of the reader’ (or words to that effect!) There were two things I wanted to be when I ‘grew up’, one was to be a writer and the other was to be a teacher.

Unfortunately I was unable to take on either of these professions so became a Secretary which did involve some writing, though not my own, of course.

Some fifty years later after acquiring a computer and having absolutely no knowledge of how to use it – couldn’t even remember how to turn it on! – a SeniorNet Learning Centre opened in Kawerau where I live. Following the advertisement in the local newspaper I presented myself at the first meeting. From then on there was no stopping me.

My tutor was wonderful, teaching me not only the Word Processing Levels 1 to 4 but opening my mind to the wonderful world of just what the computer had in store for me. Having completed a couple of Courses a friend asked that I write up his autobiography. How easy it was, what with the spell check, thesaurus, page set-up and even putting pictures into the manuscript.

Over the last twenty years I’ve become a Tutor. My main aim is to help students realize that their computer can give them much more than simply sending emails to their friends and family.

So, with the skills and confidence I gained at SeniorNet I wrote  and printed, my own autobiography therefore  becoming both a writer and a teacher, how cool is that?

By Ruth Plank from Kawerau

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SeniorNet has enriched my life

By Noeline Taylor

Join SeniorNet at least that is what the article said. As a rather inexperienced user of the computer these words caught my eye. Bravely I rang the number given and was immediately asked if I would like to tutor. Panic!! However this was soon sorted out and I attended the next meeting.

It wasn’t long before I found myself in a class for using the word processor, and, after eight lessons I felt competent enough to agree to be an assistant tutor. Oh what a learning curve that was! There is no better way to learn a program than to assist in teaching it. Gradually I gained in confidence until I felt, able after the first year, to become the lead tutor in the course. I continued in this way, for about another year until I was an experienced SeniorNet tutor.

SeniorNet of course does not only teach wordprocessing, and I signed up for and undertook other courses such as file and folder management, spreadsheets (at which I was no good at all) Using the Internet and Using a Genealogy program. As I was a hobby genealogist I found this latter course of great assistance and have now graduated to teaching it at SeniorNet. Other courses that were available and caught my attention and attendance were photography and graphics. I am not gifted at either of these but I did enjoy them.

Our local branch of SeniorNet frequently does tutorials on subjects of interest to its members. Usually these subjects do not warrant a course as a demonstration of how to do the various things covered is of assistance to members, eg How to use Google, WinZip, Voice Recognition, Facebook and even How to text on your cellphone.

Every month, we have a meeting for all members of our branch. This allows the members to meet and mix and allows the committee to inform us of matters concerning the club. We have very interesting guest speakers and often a short address by one of the club members on something that is of interest to them. Many members take the opportunity to lunch together after the meeting is over. It is fun.

SeniorNet has enriched my life, enlarged my circle of friends and allowed me to help others. I just cannot wait to see what exciting subjects they will offer us in the future.

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Computer Lessons a Real God-send

By Olga Fleming

When I went along to the first meeting of SeniorNet at Wintec, Te Kuiti, in May 2001, there were four other people I knew so I decided to join. The age limit was 55 and over and as I was so much older I thought I had a bit of a cheek going.

With my slight defect in hearing I could not always understand what our tutor was saying, but he being a great mime actor would go through the actions so we could understand what it was all about. It was hilarious, but also on my part and that of some others, very hard to get to grips with. We would go up to the tea-room to have our cuppa, all red-faced, nervous and moaning: ‘I will never get the hang of this.’ I could never have imagined then what I have achieved over the last 10 years.

It was not long before we had our own computers, we had really caught the bug. We then learned about E-mail and were able to keep in contact with each other.

When my husband passed away 12 years ago, I didn’t know how I was going to fill in my time, even though I was still running a small business on my own, so the computer lessons were a real God-send to me. I love going to my class and have made wonderful friends there; the companionship has been just so marvellous. Also, I have always had a thirst for knowledge so any courses that were offered, I was a starter. I have gained Certificates in Achievement as follows:-

Grammar on LineThe Dollars and Sense in Writing 2003Art of Card Making and Essay WritingIntroduction to Digital Camera 2006Introduction to Digital Scrap-booking 2007Certificate in Computer Applications (Level 2) 2007Certificate in Information Communication Technology (Level 3) 2011

I am very grateful to our tutors, Josh and Elsie, all the Staff and Wintec for giving me this wonderful opportunity. It has really turned my life around.


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SeniorNet Mac. Christchurch

By Margaret Hatton

The good news is that since Friday 1st April, SeniorNet Mac has been up and running. thanks to the generosity of our treasurer Margaret Harvey.

Our Learning Centre is situated in the pool house at the Cranmer Centre [Old Christchurch Girl’s High campus.]

This solid concrete block edifice, built in the middle of last century, has withstood all the quakes while the old brick building, which up until then had been going to be repaired, was severely damaged on February 22nd and has now been demolished. Diagonally opposite the Art Gallery we have been in the ‘Red Zone,’ and are not allowed to use the rooms or go onto the site.

Christ College, our landlord, have said we might get back into the building sometime in July but that was too long to have people waiting to learn the skills they needed to operate their Macs optimally. So Margaret with the help of Allan Rutherford [Canterbury’s rep on The SeniorNet Federation,] managed to access the building and rescue much of our equipment and our teaching notes.

We have a suite of computers, which students use to do courses and workshops, all in Margaret’s living room! Set up on trestle tables the computers are moved to suit the needs of the group. They have to be packed away for other activities such as committee meetings!

Friday mornings are always busy with people coming to Margaret’s home to have problems solved, update software, fix hardware or enrol. Sometimes there is an overflow and laptops are used on the kitchen bench.

As well some tutors have opened their homes to students and classes have been run all over the city, in Mt Pleasant, Sreydon, Parklands and Riccarton for example. Enabling students to bring their laptops has made this easier in small spaces. Power cuts, shonky roads, and students who get lost notwithstanding it is great that we have new members enrolling and students continuing to learn. In the current environment of Christchurch’s ‘New Normal’ this has proved an invaluable opportunity for tutors and students alike.

Thank-you Margaret.

Photos by Margaret Hatton and Allan Rutherford

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You are never too old to learn

Pictured is Mrs Doris Williamson from Toko, who at the age of 91, is currently learning computing at SeniorNet Stratford.

Mrs Williamson was a librarian at the National Library in Wellington for twenty years. In 1984, she retired to Newtown, and in the late 1990’s, moved to Toko to be near to her family.At the age of 91, she decided to learn to use a computer “to keep up with the rest of the family.” She came to SeniorNet Stratford in February 2011, and completed the Introduction to computers course in Term 1. Currently, at the end of Term2, she has nearly completed the Communications course, and her Tutor has remarked that she is doing very well.

Mrs Williamson intends to do another course in the near future and is an inspiration to us all. She really does prove “That you are never too old to learn.”