By Olga Fleming
When I went along to the first meeting of SeniorNet at Wintec, Te Kuiti, in May 2001, there were four other people I knew so I decided to join. The age limit was 55 and over and as I was so much older I thought I had a bit of a cheek going.
With my slight defect in hearing I could not always understand what our tutor was saying, but he being a great mime actor would go through the actions so we could understand what it was all about. It was hilarious, but also on my part and that of some others, very hard to get to grips with. We would go up to the tea-room to have our cuppa, all red-faced, nervous and moaning: ‘I will never get the hang of this.’ I could never have imagined then what I have achieved over the last 10 years.
It was not long before we had our own computers, we had really caught the bug. We then learned about E-mail and were able to keep in contact with each other.
When my husband passed away 12 years ago, I didn’t know how I was going to fill in my time, even though I was still running a small business on my own, so the computer lessons were a real God-send to me. I love going to my class and have made wonderful friends there; the companionship has been just so marvellous. Also, I have always had a thirst for knowledge so any courses that were offered, I was a starter. I have gained Certificates in Achievement as follows:-
Grammar on LineThe Dollars and Sense in Writing 2003Art of Card Making and Essay WritingIntroduction to Digital Camera 2006Introduction to Digital Scrap-booking 2007Certificate in Computer Applications (Level 2) 2007Certificate in Information Communication Technology (Level 3) 2011
I am very grateful to our tutors, Josh and Elsie, all the Staff and Wintec for giving me this wonderful opportunity. It has really turned my life around.