Governance Overview


The purpose of this webpage is to provide an overview of the governance issues associated with the management of the Federation of New Zealand SeniorNet Societies Inc.


The Federation of New Zealand SeniorNet Societies (FNZSS) was established in 2006 to support the learning activities of Member Learning Centres throughout New Zealand with resources and funding.

Legislative Acknowledgement

  1. The FNZSS is an Incorporated Society registered under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022; and
  2. is registered as a charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005.

FNZSSS Constitution and Rules

The registered Constitution and Rules documents in detail the manner in which the FNZSS is to conduct its business. This document should be read in addition to this governance overview summary.

Membership of FNZSS

Each SeniorNet Society within New Zealand may apply to become a Member of the Federation and becomes a Member by resolution of the Management Committee and payment of a joining fee.

The relationship between The Federation and member societies is defined by the Memorandum of Understanding (and ratified at the 2021 AGM)

Quality Assurance Guidelines

The Quality Assurance Guidelines (2017) defines the standards by which the member societies operate

Management of the Federation

This is vested in a Management Committee which comprises of four people elected on a Regional basis by Member Learning Centres and a Chair, elected by all Member Learning Centres.

Officers (Chairperson, Peter Campbell, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer) within the Management Committee are appointed at the first Committee meeting post Annual General Meeting.

Appointment of Committee Members

Committee members are elected on a regional basis by Member Learning Centres within that region.

A region is defined so as to represent approximately one quarter of the total financial membership of all the Membership Societies.

The four regional representatives are as follows:

Click the person’s name to start an email to them as Regional Rep

The Management Committee may, from time to time second additional people to assist with special projects or to bring specific skills or knowledge to the table

  • The Executive Officer of the Federation is permanently seconded to the Management Committee but has no voting rights. There is currently no Executive Officer employed by The Federation

All Management Committee Members are appointed for a two-year term with half the positions available, by rotation, for election at each Annual General Meeting.

Nominations are called for (and elections held) prior to each Annual General Meeting for membership of the Management Committee from Regions where their representative is retiring as a result of rotation or has resigned.

Roles of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee

These roles are defined within the FNZSS Constitution and Rules and are consistent with those of similar organisations.

Contractual Arrangements – Executive Officer

Recognising the extent of the work required for the Federation to meet operational and support objectives and acknowledging the time and availability limitations of a volunteer Management Committee group, it was resolved in 2007 to engage a Contractor to undertake these activities.

There is currently no Executive Officer employed by The Federation


Management Committee: Meetings are held at least four times a year either online sessions or face-to-face meetings;
In practical terms, the Management Committee deals with a wide range of issues, such as sponsorship, advertising, individual Learning Centre administration, finance, contractual requirements of the Executive officer, planning, budgeting, etc.

Federation: The Annual General Meeting is held between 1 April and 30 June, with the Management Committee determining when and where it will be held within these dates.

The business of the Annual General Meeting includes;

  • Minutes of previous AGM
  • Chairperson’s Report – Business
  • Treasurer’s Report – Financial
  • Election of Chairperson
  • Ratification of Regional Representative elections
  • Remits – Notices of Motion from Management Committee and Learning Centres
  • Approval of plans for balance of year and next calendar year
  • General Business

Important Dates

  •   Financial Year: 1 January to 31 December
  •   Annual General Meeting: Held between 1 April and 30 June: